Student Organizations' Advisors
Responsibilities of the Advisor
The following are functions for faculty/staff advisors of student organizations:
- To ensure that the organization is following its constitution including but not limited to: membership criteria, officer elections and financial responsibilities;
- To promote appropriate and responsible behavior and ethical and inclusive decision making by all members of the organization;
- To ensure that the organization is handled in a sound business manner;
- (At the end of each spring semester, the organization shall provide the Campus Life Department with a financial statement. The University reserves the right to audit business and financial records of campus organizations).
- To attend meetings of the organization on a regular basis to sustain direct contact with the organization officers;
- To ensure that detailed minutes of all meetings are maintained;
- To be actively involved in guiding and advising the organization;
- To communicate with PMU officials as needed to discuss threats and opportunities for the organization;
- To meet regularly with the organization’s officers to ensure that any questions or problems can be handled;
- To report every semester briefly about the organization’s plans and achievements;
- To follow the University policies and ensure that all members have received and understand those policies;
- To ensure that the organization is aware of and follows the related University regulations.
The Organization’s Responsibilities to the Advisor
The advisor is voluntarily associated with the organization and it is the organization’s ethical responsibility to express appreciation of the advisor’s valuable time and efforts.
- An organization should:
- notify the advisor of all meetings and events;
- consult the advisor in the planning of all activities;
- consult her or him before any changes in the structure or policies of the organization and before major projects are undertaken, the advisor has no vote during meetings;
- communicate with the advisor about any problems or concerns;
- Understand that the responsibility for the success or failure of the organization project rests ultimately with the group, not the advisor.
Changing Advisors
- An advisor who chooses to step down from her/his role must write a letter to the Department of Campus Life or email to state he/she will no longer be advisor clarifying the cause for stepping down from this role.
- The new advisor must also write a letter to the Department of Campus Life or email state he/she will be the new advisor and provide the department with her/his contact details.