Organization Finances
Financial Plan and Budget
Student organizations should prepare financial plans and budgets every semester.
Preparing financial plans and budget helps the members gain efficient management skills in
order to evaluate the organization’s plans, allocate resources efficiently, and monitor the actual
revenues and expenditures.
Any funds from must be kept in a club/society books. Since clubs officers regularly handle cash
from events and memberships fees, and take funds from PMU, a record must be kept of all
financial transactions. An electronic spreadsheet must keep track of all monies incoming and
spent, as well as the dates on which the transactions occurred, its source, and the particulars of
the transaction, (such as the reason for the payment).
Keeping all receipts is necessary in order to claim any PMU funding, as well as to document the
organization expenses for various purposes.
PMU student organizations are not-for-profit organizations, therefore all financial transactions
must be transparent, and the organization’s officers must be accountable for them. This means
that money must be spent ethically, in ways which directly support the mission of the
organization. The Department of Campus Life may audit organizations at any time, and the
treasurer must therefore keep track of all transactions, ensure they are all dated and make it
available for audit within 5 days from the day of the request.
Organizations Fund Request
To be eligible for PMU funding, a student organization must provide services, activities and
events that are educational and offer recreational opportunities appropriate to the PMU
The organization’s president and treasurer shall fill in a Request for Funding Form, co-sign it and
submit it to the Department of Campus Life within the deadlines announced. Eligibility for
funding necessitates a sound financial history.
The organization shall keep all original receipts for the amounts spent during any approved
event/activity. All receipts must be submitted to the Department of Campus Life Office, no later
than two weeks after the event/activity. If receipts are not turned in, the organization may be
placed on probation.