
Rules and Regulations

  1. The SG shall stand by the letter, spirit of the University’s rules and regulations.
  2. Where argument arises, the issue at hand shall be referred to the Campus Life coordinator who shall make the first decision on that issue and all final decisions shall be made by the Director of Student Affairs (DoSA).
  3. The duration of regular membership shall be for one year, unless an exception is made by the DoSA.
  4. Members of the PMU SG who have received an academic warning during their term of service will be removed from the SG.
  5. Any member of the PMU Campus Community acting on the behalf of the PMU SG shall retain and protect the privacy of any information concerning the University and are forbidden to neither disclose nor declare any private information unless it has been formally onfirmed and approved for release by the DoSA with no exceptions.
  6. It is forbidden to settle any issue concerning the students without referring to the Campus Life coordinator first, and all final decisions are reserved to the DoSA.
  7. In case of three absences by the member, he/she will get a warning notice (from president ???) upon accumulating four absences, the member will be dismissed.
  8. If any member is dismissed or have quit their duties, an alternate will be appointed by the SG immediately, under guide of a PMU SG advisory board.
  9. Members who violate these bylaws or any of the University’s regulations will be dismissed and the DoSA reserves the right to prohibit the imprudent from future PMU SG elections and appointments.
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