Initiating a PMU Student Organization
To initiate a Student Organization, students should consult “The Student Organization Start-up Kit” materials from the Department of Campus Life, at the Division of Students Affairs offices. Applicants must fill up the application and submit the required completed materials to the Department of Campus Life during a fall or spring semester.
This process will not be considered during the summer semester. For each semester the deadline can be verified with the Department of Campus Life. This will be a strict date beyond which no application will be considered.
Initiation Process
- Secure the “Advisor Form” from a faculty or staff member agreeing to serve as advisor to the group. Advisors are PMU faculty or staff members with relevant experience and background. The advisor or co-advisor, if he/she should become unable to continue, commits to notify the Division of Student Affairs.
- Secure the Student Organization Application filled by a minimum of 7 full-time students who have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Names must be typed with student signatures and PMU ID number.
- Non-Saudi Students participating in Sports Organizations must submit a proof of insurance.
- Provide an electronic copy of the organization constitution and bylaws.
The Department of Campus Life staff review the application and the constitution, and communicate the decision to the students after consultation with the Dean of Student Affairs or with the Director of Campus Life upon his review of the certified/recertified clubs for each semester. This process is allocated five (5) working days.