Organization Review, Recertification and Dismissal

All student organizations are subject to financial audit at the end of each semester, and to a certification review at the beginning of each semester. Audits and financial responsibility falls under the treasurer of the respective student organization.

Review and Dismissal

Upon review, the following would constitute grounds for dismissal of the organization:

  1. Violation of the code of conduct and/or Campus Regulations;
  2. Failure to meet goals, responsibilities and/or financial obligations;
  3. Failure to abide by the constitution and bylaws;
  4. Falling below the required minimum membership as outlined in the Student Organizations Handbook ;
  5. Failure to be active and to participate in supporting the Campus Life mission at PMU;
  6. Cause physical or emotional harm to the organization members or to other university constituents;
  7. Misrepresentation of the University, or harming the reputation of the PMU student body.

    If the organization is dismissed, all personal assets are distributed among its members, or contributed to another organization or to charity, upon consensus of the majority of the members, and with the supervision of the Department of Campus Life. If the assets were acquired by the University, they are considered PMU property and will therefore revert to the University.
    The group may appeal to the Director of Campus Life any dismissal decision providing full documentation about membership, constitution, meetings and financial audit.

Maintaining Certification

To maintain annual certification, organizations are encouraged to observe the following:

  1. Participation in local, regional or national related conferences;
  2. A timely recertification process;
  3. A strict compliance to PMU policies;
  4. Effective periodical meetings;
  5. Sound record keeping practices;
  6. Financially sound status;
  7. Active members with a spirit of support to campus life at PMU;
  8. Organizing or sponsoring at least one event, or regular activity per semester;
  9. Participation in achieving the broad philosophy of Campus Life at PMU.
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