Student Organizations at PMU serve the mission of the University by providing valuable learning opportunities to students and contributing to student personal growth and development. Student organizations shall set educational directions and encourage and promote values such as friendships, scholarship, respect, cultural awareness, financial responsibility, commitment, social development and community service- eliminating practices that suggest physical harmfulness, humiliation, intimidation and physical or mental harassment.
Any act which is in violation of the University's Student Code of Conduct leads to disciplinary action as stipulated in the Student Handbook.
Participating in student organizations is an opportunity for every student to gain:
- new experiences, new friends and new opportunities;
- a strong sense of pride, accomplishment and self-esteem;
- enhanced teamwork skills but increased independence;
- a strong sense of commitment and responsibility;
- managerial skills and decision-making abilities;
- visibility in the community;
- personal and professional growth;
- unique opportunities to build relations and share experiences with experienced faculty and staff;
- skills to deal with challenges, obstacles and life situations;
- a strong sense of loyalty and belonging from participating in community service.
To initiate a Student Organization, students should consult “The Student Organization Start-up Kit” materials from the Department of Campus Life, at the Division of Students Affairs offices. Applicants must fill up the application and submit the required completed materials to the Department of Campus Life during a fall or spring semester.
This process will not be considered during the summer semester. For each semester the deadline can be verified with the Department of Campus Life. This will be a strict date beyond which no application will be considered.
Initiation Process
- Secure the “Advisor Form” from a faculty or staff member agreeing to serve as advisor to the group. Advisors are PMU faculty or staff members with relevant experience and background. The advisor or co-advisor, if he/she should become unable to continue, commits to notify the Division of Student Affairs.
- Secure the Student Organization Application filled by a minimum of 7 full-time students who have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Names must be typed with student signatures and PMU ID number.
- Non-Saudi Students participating in Sports Organizations must submit a proof of insurance.
- Provide an electronic copy of the organization constitution and bylaws.
The Department of Campus Life staff review the application and the constitution, and communicate the decision to the students after consultation with the Dean of Student Affairs or with the Director of Campus Life upon his review of the certified/recertified clubs for each semester. This process is allocated five (5) working days.
Criteria for approval of a student organization include but are not limited to the following:
- A duly filled application describing the organization;
- A constitution and bylaws indicating the purposes and goals of the organization with a cover letter signed by the students and the faculty/staff advisor;
- Newly proposed organization does not duplicate existing organizations;
- Newly proposed organization has explicit goals and purposes that are in line with the philosophy of the University, and reflect the high standards expected of them.
Criteria for declining a student organization include but are not limited to the following:
- Duplication of function of an existing organization
- Lack of definite long term purpose, and objectives
- Lack of clear conformity to the standards of the University.
- An organization whose activities result in mental stress, techniques that will influence or destroy members’ critical thinking abilities or encouraging extremism in any form.
- Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
- The Department of Campus Life shall either recommend granting approval or denying approval, based on the criteria listed above:
- Upon receiving the Student Organization Proposal, the Department of Campus Life staff send the recommendation to the Director of Campus Life who will compile a list of proposed clubs to the Dean of Students;
- If approved by the Director of Campus Life in consultation with the Dean of Students, the Director sends the decision to the Department of Campus Life;
- The Department of Campus Life sends copies of approval letter and constitution to the organization and the advisor;
- The approved organization may then schedule activities according to guidelines described in PMU policies.
- Upon certification, the student organization is required to make a budget plan accommodating events, activities and publications within the budget allocation communicated to them by the Department of Campus Life.
All student organizations are subject to financial audit at the end of each semester, and to a certification review at the beginning of each semester. Audits and financial responsibility falls under the treasurer of the respective student organization.
Review and Dismissal
Upon review, the following would constitute grounds for dismissal of the organization:
- Violation of the code of conduct and/or Campus Regulations;
- Failure to meet goals, responsibilities and/or financial obligations;
- Failure to abide by the constitution and bylaws;
- Falling below the required minimum membership as outlined in the Student Organizations Handbook ;
- Failure to be active and to participate in supporting the Campus Life mission at PMU;
- Cause physical or emotional harm to the organization members or to other university constituents;
- Misrepresentation of the University, or harming the reputation of the PMU student body.
If the organization is dismissed, all personal assets are distributed among its members, or contributed to another organization or to charity, upon consensus of the majority of the members, and with the supervision of the Department of Campus Life. If the assets were acquired by the University, they are considered PMU property and will therefore revert to the University.
The group may appeal to the Director of Campus Life any dismissal decision providing full documentation about membership, constitution, meetings and financial audit.
Maintaining Certification
To maintain annual certification, organizations are encouraged to observe the following:
- Participation in local, regional or national related conferences;
- A timely recertification process;
- A strict compliance to PMU policies;
- Effective periodical meetings;
- Sound record keeping practices;
- Financially sound status;
- Active members with a spirit of support to campus life at PMU;
- Organizing or sponsoring at least one event, or regular activity per semester;
- Participation in achieving the broad philosophy of Campus Life at PMU.
Reactivation is needed when an organization fails to recertify in the Fall Semester and does not renew certification for a period of the two subsequent semesters.
Procedures for reactivating shall be the same procedures for initiating a new organization.
To change the name of a student organization, the president shall submit the minutes of the meeting in which the decision was ratified by the members, and a letter requesting the change and a new constitution to the Department of Campus Life.
Responsibilities of the Advisor
The following are functions for faculty/staff advisors of student organizations:
- To ensure that the organization is following its constitution including but not limited to: membership criteria, officer elections and financial responsibilities;
- To promote appropriate and responsible behavior and ethical and inclusive decision making by all members of the organization;
- To ensure that the organization is handled in a sound business manner;
- (At the end of each spring semester, the organization shall provide the Campus Life Department with a financial statement. The University reserves the right to audit business and financial records of campus organizations).
- To attend meetings of the organization on a regular basis to sustain direct contact with the organization officers;
- To ensure that detailed minutes of all meetings are maintained;
- To be actively involved in guiding and advising the organization;
- To communicate with PMU officials as needed to discuss threats and opportunities for the organization;
- To meet regularly with the organization’s officers to ensure that any questions or problems can be handled;
- To report every semester briefly about the organization’s plans and achievements;
- To follow the University policies and ensure that all members have received and understand those policies;
- To ensure that the organization is aware of and follows the related University regulations.
The Organization’s Responsibilities to the Advisor
The advisor is voluntarily associated with the organization and it is the organization’s ethical responsibility to express appreciation of the advisor’s valuable time and efforts.
- An organization should:
- notify the advisor of all meetings and events;
- consult the advisor in the planning of all activities;
- consult her or him before any changes in the structure or policies of the organization and before major projects are undertaken, the advisor has no vote during meetings;
- communicate with the advisor about any problems or concerns;
- Understand that the responsibility for the success or failure of the organization project rests ultimately with the group, not the advisor.
Changing Advisors
- An advisor who chooses to step down from her/his role must write a letter to the Department of Campus Life or email to state he/she will no longer be advisor clarifying the cause for stepping down from this role.
- The new advisor must also write a letter to the Department of Campus Life or email state he/she will be the new advisor and provide the department with her/his contact details.
constitution is the basic framework of the organization. It shall state the purpose, the number of officers, the method of their selection the requirements for membership and other general operating procedures. Detailed methods of doing business and specific rules are described in the organization’s Bylaws (if necessary). A sample constitution and explanation of each section of a constitution has been developed to help you start the process.
For further assistance in the preparation of the constitution, the organization founding members may contact the advisor, or the Department of Campus Life.
Mandatory Sections
The following is an integral part of the constitution and should be included without any modification in student organization’s proposed constitution:
- “The organization shall adhere to all policies and regulations of PMU.”
- “The Organization fund raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Division of Student Affairs.”
- “At the end of each spring semester, the organization shall provide the Campus Life Department with a financial statement. This shall include monies received and paid.
- The University reserves the right to audit business and financial records of campus organizations.”
- “The Student Organization will not tolerate any activities that cause mental or physical stress to its members, the student body or any PMU constituents. It will not use any technique to hinder or destroy individual’s critical thinking capabilities.”
- “The Organization shall not deny membership on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, identity or disability.”
- “The release of indemnity statement: All and every member of the student organization hereby discharges PMU, its employees and representatives from all claims, demands, costs, in respect to any damage to persons or property connected to their participation in the events organized or conducted by the Club/Society and sponsored by PMU, whether at its facilities or not.”
- All and every member of the student organization also agrees to hold harmless the student organization (club or society) and PMU, its employees and representatives, from all claims connected with their participation in the activities of the student organization.”
- “Any amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to the PMU Campus Life Department for final approval.”
Sample Constitution
Article I. Name of Organization
The name should reflect the nature of the organization. Make sure to include any acronyms that may be used to refer to the group on and off campus.
Article II. Mission
Article III. Purpose
Section 1 This section states the purpose, aims and functions of the organization. It also includes the standard statement below:
“The Student Organization will not tolerate any activities that cause mental or physical stress to its members, the student body or any PMU constituents. It will not use any technique to hinder or destroy individual’s critical thinking capabilities.”
Section 2 This section states that the organization commits to abide by all policies and procedures established by the University:
“The organization shall adhere to all policies and regulations of PMU.”
“The Organization fund raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Division of Student Affairs.”
Article IV. Membership and Dues
Section 1 This section states the membership criteria, the requirements and size limitations of the membership.
- The active (voting) members, officers, and recognized representatives of the organizations must be students who are enrolled at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University.
- Students who are on academic probation or disciplinary probation may not serve as active members of any student organization at PMU.
- The number of student members shall always exceed the number of non-student members at meetings and programs do not open to the general public unless with prior approval from the Dean of Students.
Section 2 This section determines the existence of dues, if any.
Section 3 This section states that the organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, and physical or mental disability:
“The Organization shall not deny membership on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, identity or disability.”
Section 4 This section describes the rights of the members.
Section 5 This section describes the duties and responsibilities of the members.
Section 6 This section describes the member’s resignation and expulsion procedures.
Section 7 This section clarifies that members take full responsibility of their membership and participation in activities and events:
“The release of indemnity statement
All and every member of the student organization hereby discharges PMU, its employees and representatives from all claims, demands, costs, in respect to any damage to persons or property connected to their participation in the events organized or conducted by the Club/Society and sponsored by PMU, whether at its facilities or not.”
All and every member of the student organization also agrees to hold harmless the student organization (club or society) and PMU, its employees and representatives, from all claims connected with their participation in the activities of the student organization.”
Article V. Officers
Section 1 This section describes the officers’ positions (not names of individuals) and the duration of their terms. Mandatory officers’ posts are: the President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer.
Section 2 This section describes the duties of each officer.
Section 3 This section describes the resignation or impeachment procedures.
Article VI. Function and Operation
Section 1 This section states how officers are elected and if nominations shall be held. It also includes criteria of nominations (i.e. GPA requirement) and determines the members eligible to make nominations.
Section 2 This section determines candidates’ nominations process (secret ballot, nominations committee).
Section 3 This section illustrates the voting process (i.e. ballot, vote, show of hands). Also, determine what constitutes a majority vote.
Section 4 This section specifies when elections are held.
Section 5 This section determines the impeachment process of officers.
Article VII. Advisor
Section 1 This section states the role of the advisor.
Article VIII. Finances
Section 1 This section states the organization’s plans to finance its activities.
“The Organization fund raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Division of Student Affairs.”
Section 2 This section describes the financial commitment of the organization
“At the end of each spring semester, the organization shall provide the Campus Life Department with a financial statement. This shall include monies received and paid.
The University reserves the right to audit business and financial records of campus organizations”.
Article IX. Meetings
Section 1 This section states the provisions for setting up a regular meeting time, as well as any provisions to be made for calling for special meetings.
Article X. Quorum
Section 1 This section states the rules pertaining to the number of members, or the percentage of membership, required to be present at a meeting to transact business.
- In order to conduct the business of the organization a quorum of more than 50% of the active student membership should be present at the meeting.
Article XI. Committees
Section 1 This section lists committees within the student organization: standing and Ad-hoc committees
Section 2 This section states the purpose and structure of each committee
Article XII. Amendments
Section 1 Amending the constitution may destabilize the student organization; therefore it should be subject to strict conditions and final approval by the Department of Campus Life. Any major amendments that may affect the mission or main purpose of the organization may be submitted for review by the Student Affairs Committee.
“Any amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to the PMU Campus Life Department for final approval.”
This section states the process to propose & submit amendments and the voting process to adopt them.
A student organization is defined as group of PMU students officially approved and recognized by the university.
All student organizations must abide by the policies and procedures as outlined by the University policies. Student organizations found in violation of the code of students conduct are subject to sanctions. Student organizations and their members are responsible for getting familiarized with all university regulations as included in the Student Handbook, and Student Organizations Handbook.
The fact that a student organization is held responsible for actions and activities does not waive the individual student’s accountability and the fact that individual students are held accountable for actions taken while representing the organization does not eliminate the accountability of the organization for its actions.
Violation of any stated university policy may result in disciplinary action against the organization or individual members as stipulated in the University Policies and Procedures, and may result in action taken by the University Student Affairs Committee.
Events and Activities
- Student organizations that have been officially certified by the University are allowed to organize events and conduct activities on or off campus. The organization should submit a completed Event Application Form and return it to the Division of Students Affairs- Department of Campus Life preferably two weeks prior to the event suggested date. No event will be approved within a period of 5 class days or less.
- Events and activities cannot be conducted during midterm and finals weeks.
- Events activities should by no means constitute grounds to cancel classes. They will be conducted in areas determined by the Department of Campus Life so that they do not cause class disturbance with noise. Group exceptions may be given in coordination with academic departments and the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs. Individual exceptions may be granted by the Department of Campus Life.
Sponsorship of Events
Certified Student Organization and their respective campus events may be sponsored by an external party. All sponsorships go through an approval process to ensure their mission, the nature of business, standards and services are in line with the educational nature of PMU, and its prestigious image as a higher education institution. All approvals will be obtained by the Dean of Student Affairs through Campus Life staff.
The Use of Campus Facilities
The University allows recognized student organizations to use its facilities. Bookings and reservation are at the basis of first in first served. However, the University might have in exceptional cases to cater for unscheduled guest or official visits, and in similar cases, it reserves the right to announce the unavailability of some campus areas and provides alternative solutions and arrangements.
Fundraising Guidelines and Procedures for Student Organizations:
- Applications for fundraising must be submitted and approved by the Dean of Students or his designee. All requests must be submitted at least one week in advance.
- An explicit statement as to the purpose(s) of the fundraiser must be open and visible to the contributor at the time of solicitation or concession.
- Non-registered groups, including charitable organizations, will not be permitted to sell or solicit on campus unless such organization offers a program/benefit, which is deemed appropriate by the Dean of Student Affairs or his designee. Nevertheless, non-registered groups should obtain sponsorship of a registered organization. In the case of a fundraising activity, the sponsoring campus group must receive at least 15% of the gross sales.
- Registered organizations with a continuing program of fundraisers will be limited to two (2) days per semester for such activities.
- Permission will not be granted to sell merchandise in University facilities, which is offered for sale in the University Book Store or Cafeteria (with the exception of bake sale). Non-registered organizations, including charitable organizations, offering a specific program under the auspices of a recognized campus group, must obtain facility utilization approval independent of requesting permission for solicitation or a concession.
Raffles or games, in which prizes are awarded based solely on chance, is strictly prohibited on PMU campus. If there is a proposed event that is questionable, the Dean of Student Affairs will determine if the requested activity is a game of chance and will outline the conditions under which the activity must be conducted.
- All funds must be collected and accounted for by the registered organization and a summary statement with complete financial information is to be submitted to the Dean of Student through Campus Life Staff. Organizations will be held responsible for allocating funds as stated in their request to solicit.
- Athletic events, theater and movie series and any other concessions or events sponsored directly by PMU and its departments or divisions constitute University sponsored events and are subject to fiscal and auditing controls.
- Students are not permitted to use the housing facility for fundraising unless explicit approval is obtained from the Dean of Students or his designee.
- Concessions and solicitations are limited to the following campus locations and cannot be conducted elsewhere except as expressly approved by the Dean of Students:
- The main campus Atriums and lounge areas, but never in classrooms or hallways
- Student Housing
- PMU Sports Complex
- PMU Parking Areas
- Common areas within the PMU English Language Institute
- Revocation of concession or solicitation privileges may occur for any organization whose representatives do not follow established policies and procedures.
Advertising on Campus
- Use of PMU Name, Logos and Identity Elements
- All use of the PMU name, logo or any other official identity element on any advertising (including but not limited to T-shirts, banners, roll-ups, etc.), needs prior approval through the Division of Student Affairs. All designs are to be approved and signed by the Dean of Students or his designee.
- The organization is therefore required to submit two (2) copies of the promotional material design to the office of Campus Life for approval. The request will be attached to the Event Application Form or to a clear description of the purpose and occasion to use such official materials.
- The Department of Campus Life will keep a copy, however it will be the responsibility of the concerned organization to keep the approved copy on record.
- Student organizations (organization and individuals) that violate this policy will be penalized and/or suspended.
- Campus Postings
- Advertisements and notices may only be placed on bulletin boards by an official student organization. However, they should all bear an approval stamp from the Department of Campus Life. The organization is therefore required to submit two (2) copies of the advertisement/notice to the office of Campus Life for approval. The Department of Campus Life will keep a copy, however it will be the responsibility of the concerned organization to keep the approved copy on record.
- No announcement may be put on walls, doors, windows, walkways, pillars, light posts, elevators or car windows.
- Marking or damaging surfaces and buildings spoils the aesthetic nature of the campus and is strictly prohibited.
- Banners pertaining to campus wide activities must be approved by the Division of Students Affairs.
- All postings may be approved for up to ten (10) days and must be removed after the event is over by the respective student organization.
- Student organizations (organization and individuals) that violate this policy will be penalized and/or prohibited from campus advertising.
- Flyers and Handouts
- All flyers or handouts must be approved by the Department of Campus Life. The organization is therefore required to submit two (2) copies of the flyers/handouts to the office of Campus Life for approval. The Department of Campus Life will keep a copy, however it will be the responsibility of the concerned organization to keep the approved copy on record.
- Placing flyers on car windows is prohibited.
- Student organizations (organization and individuals) that violate this policy will be penalized and/or prohibited from campus advertising
- On Campus Campaign
- When needed, student organizations may set up tables in designated campus areas to distribute information. This is determined by the Department of Campus Life on a first come, first served basis.
- The advertising organization shall be responsible for any and all assets entrusted for the campaign (Table, chairs, tripods, stands, etc…). Any damage to those assets will be incurred by the organization (organization and individual members).
- Student organizations (organization and individuals) that violate this policy will be penalized and/or prohibited from campus advertising.
- Off Campus Campaigns and Activities
- No advertising off campus may be made for any organization or any event held on campus without the written approval of the Dean of Students.
- Please refer to the Use of PMU Name, Logo and Identity Element policy above.
- Student organizations (organization and individuals) that violate this policy will be penalized and/or suspended.
- A student organization established on campus is considered property of the student body at PMU and cannot be owned or claimed by an external party unless with a formal explicit approval is obtained from PMU.
- Violations and Sanctions
- A grievance Committee will be established to assist the University in enforcing the Campus Advertising Policy. The Grievance Committee will:
- On the first offense on campus, give a verbal warning and written notice.
- On the second offense on campus, give a written reprimand.
- On the third offense on campus, refer to Director of Campus Life for University sanctions, which may include penalty and/or suspension.
- Any offense off campus will be considered on an individual basis and sanctions applied at the discretion of the Dean of Students may include suspension or dismissal from the University.
- Enforcement of Policies & Regulations. It is the duty of all student organization members to report immediately, in writing, any violation of PMU policy to the Department of Campus Life. Infractions of these regulations result in disciplinary procedures as prescribed in the University's Student Code of Conduct and Appeals Procedures. Organization presidents and advisors must sign that they have received and understood the University campus policies (manuals and handbook) before they are recertified each year.
Guest speakers Invitations through Student Organizations
- All organizations are required to submit a written request to host a guest speaker at PMU to the Campus Life Department at least ten (10) days prior to the suggested date of the proposed lecture.
- All requests for inviting a guest speaker should be accompanied by the speaker's biography, lecture/speech topic and copy of handouts, manuals or presentations that will be used by the guest.
- Organizations are required to provide all digital media that is intended to be utilized during the event. This serves both for the required approvals and for the request of assistance from the IT Department-at least seventy-two (72) hour in advance.
- The hosting department/organization should notify the Security Office to allow access of the guest to the PMU premises.
- The Department of Campus Life will announce a lecture during the same week and after the request has met all requirements. The Department shall also send a reminder on the same day through email to the student body.
- Approval of requests for guest speakers will depend on many factors including but not limited to:
- Possible interest and benefit to the PMU community
- The topic and the speaker meet the requirements of the cultural set up at PMU and do not conflict with PMU mission, values or image.
Organization Finances
- Financial Plan and Budget
- Student organizations should prepare financial plans and budgets every semester.
- Preparing financial plans and budget helps the members gain efficient management skills in order to evaluate the organization’s plans, allocate resources efficiently, and monitor the actual revenues and expenditures.
- Any funds allocated must be kept in a club/society books. Since clubs officers regularly handle cash from events and memberships fees, and take funds from PMU, a record must be kept of all financial transactions. An electronic spreadsheet must keep track of all monies incoming and spent, as well as the dates on which the transactions occurred, its source, and the particulars of the transaction, (such as the reason for the payment).
- Keeping all receipts is necessary in order to claim any PMU funding, as well as to document the organization expenses for various purposes.
- PMU student organizations are not-for-profit organizations, therefore all financial transactions must be transparent, and the organization’s officers must be accountable for them. This means that money must be spent ethically, in ways which directly support the mission of the organization. The Department of Campus Life may audit organizations at any time, and the treasurer must therefore keep track of all transactions, ensure they are all dated and make it available for audit within 5 days from the day of the request.
- Organizations Fund Request
- To be eligible for PMU funding, a student organization must provide services, activities and events that are educational and offer recreational opportunities appropriate to the PMU community. The organization’s president and treasurer shall fill in a Request for Funding Form, co-sign it and submit it to the Department of Campus Life within the deadlines announced. Eligibility for funding necessitates a sound financial history.
- The organization shall keep all original receipts for the amounts spent during any approved event/activity. All receipts must be submitted to the Department of Campus Life Office, no later than two weeks after the event/activity. If receipts are not turned in, the organization may be placed on probation.
Organization Technology
- Information page
Each student organization is requested to have an information page that will be linked from the list of student organizations on the PMU web site. This page will be created by the student organization but is overseen by the Department of Campus Life. Information for this page will be gathered during the recertification of student organizations.
- Organization email address
The organization president should create a PMU email address for the organization upon initiating the organization. When a new president is elected or appointed the email address is handed over to her/him.
- Creating an organization web page
Organizations may create their own web page. Design and content must be approved by the Department of Campus Life. A web liaison must then be nominated within the organization to communicate with the Department of Campus Life. The role of the web liaison is to present the needs of the organization, seek technical advice as needed, and maintain the web pages and official record.