Guest Speakers Invitations

Guest speakers Invitations through Student Organizations

  1. All organizations are required to submit a written request to host a guest speaker at PMU to the Campus Life Department at least ten (10) days prior to the suggested date of the proposed lecture.
  2. All requests for inviting a guest speaker should be accompanied by the speaker's biography, lecture/speech topic and copy of handouts, manuals or presentations that will be used by the guest.
  3. Organizations are required to provide all digital media that is intended to be utilized during the event. This serves both for the required approvals and for the request of assistance from the IT Department-at least seventy-two (72) hour in advance.
  4. The hosting department/organization should notify the Security Office to allow access of the guest to the PMU premises.
  5. The Department of Campus Life will announce a lecture during the same week and after the request has met all requirements. The Department shall also send a reminder on the same day through email to the student body.
  6. Approval of requests for guest speakers will depend on many factors including but not limited to:
    1. Possible interest and benefit to the PMU community
    2. The topic and the speaker meet the requirements of the cultural set up at PMU and do not conflict with PMU mission, values or image.
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