Initiating PMU Student Organization
To initiate a Student Organization, consult “The Student Organization Start-up Kit” materials
from the Department of Campus Life, at the Division of Students Affairs offices. Fill up the
application and submit the required completed materials to the Department of Campus Life
during a fall or spring semester.
This process will not be considered during the summer semester. Keep in mind the semester
deadline beyond which no application will be considered.
Initiating Process
- Secure the “Advisor Form” from a faculty or staff member agreeing to serve as advisor
to the group. Advisors are PMU faculty or staff members with relevant experience and
background. The advisor or co-advisor, if he/she should become unable to continue,
commits to notify the Division of Student Affairs.
- Secure the Student Organization Application filled by a minimum of 10 full-time
students who have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Names must be typed with student
signatures and PMU ID number.
- Non-Saudi Students participating in Sports Organizations must submit a proof of
- Provide an electronic copy of the organization constitution and bylaws.
- The Student Affairs Committee reviews the application and the constitution, and
communicates the decision to the Department of Campus Life.
Criteria for Approval of Student Organization
Criteria for approval of a student organization include but are not limited to the following:
- A duly filled application describing the organization;
- A constitution and bylaws indicating the purposes and goals of the organization with a
cover letter signed by the students and the faculty/staff advisor;
- Newly proposed organization does not duplicate existing organizations;
- Newly proposed organization has explicit goals and purposes that are in line with the
philosophy of the University and reflect the high standards expected of them.
Criteria for Declining a Student Organization
Criteria for declining a student organization include but are not limited to the following:
- Duplication of function of an existing organization
- Lack of definite long term purpose, and objectives
- Lack of clear conformity to the standards of the University.
- An organization whose activities result in mental or stress, or techniques that will
influence or destroy members’ critical thinking abilities.
- Incomplete proposal the procedures for critical of a student organization.
The Department of Campus Life shall either recommend granting approval or denying approval,
based on the criteria listed above:
- Upon receiving the Student Organization Proposal, the Department of Campus Life
sends the recommendation to the Student Affairs Committee through the Director of
Student Affairs;
- If approved by the Student Affairs Committee, the chair of the committee sends the
decision to the Department of Campus Life;
- The Department of Campus Life sends copies of approval letter and constitution to the
organization and the advisor;
- Organization may then schedule activities according to guidelines described in PMU
Organization Review, Recertification and Dismissal
All student organizations are subject to financial audit at the end of each semester, and to a
certification review at the beginning of each semester.
Review and Dismissal
Upon review, the following would constitute grounds for dismissal of the organization:
- Violation of the code of conduct and/or Campus Regulations;
- Failure to meet goals, responsibilities and/or financial obligations;
- Failure to abide by the constitution and bylaws;
- Cause physical or emotional harm to the organization members or to other university constituents;
- Misrepresentation of the University, or harming the reputation of the PMU student body.
If the organization is dismissed, all personal assets are distributed among its members, or
contributed to another organization or to charity, upon consensus of the majority of the
members, and with the supervision of the Department of Campus Life. If the assets were
acquired by the University, they are considered PMU property and will therefore revert to the
The group may appeal to the Appeals Committee any dismissal decision.
Maintaining Certification
To maintain annual certification, organizations are encouraged to observe the following:
- Participation in local, regional or national related conferences;
- A timely recertification process;
- A strict compliance to PMU policies;
- Effective periodical meetings;
- Sound record keeping practices;
- Financially sound status;
- Active members with a spirit of support to campus life at PMU;
- Organizing or sponsoring at least one event, or regular activity per semester;
- Participation in achieving the broad philosophy of Campus Life at PMU.
Reactivation of Organizations
Reactivation is needed when an organization fails to recertify in the Fall Semester and does not
renew certification for a period of the two subsequent semesters.
Procedures for reactivating shall be the same procedures for initiating a new organization.
Changing the Name of an Organization
To change the name of a student organization, the president shall submit the minutes of the
meeting in which the decision was ratified by the members, and a letter requesting the change
and a new constitution to the Department of Campus Life.