Housing Residence Hall


Provide safe, well-maintained facilities for students so they might live, study, learn, and grow in a community of learners committed to civility and respect.


  1. Provide attractive and appropriate living quarters and study space for students.
  2. Provide community space for students to meet, socialize, and study in small and medium-sized groups.
  3. Develop recreational space for physical fitness and sports in conjunctions with residence halls.
  4. Allow student residents to participate in determining the policies that govern their living conditions Provide a senior student or young faculty member as a live-in mentor for students living in residence halls, along with peer mentors and advisors.
Developing a residence community is an important step in the evolution of PMU as a community of scholars. Because students who live together more readily collaborate and support each other toward the goal of earning a degree, various academic support elements will be located in the residence halls for the convenience of students. 

PMU residence halls provide appropriate and safe living quarters convenient to the campus. Residence halls will be connected to the computing resources and will provide access to electronic mail and discussions. The housing also provides community space for social interaction or study groups along with rooms and equipment devoted to physical fitness. Programs and activities may be arranged at night or on weekends. Senior live-in students are encouraged to provide support and guidance on a variety of matters, as well as tutoring to newer students, in order to serve as positive examples of achievement.
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