General & Daily Services

Individual & Group Counseling related but not limited to the following:
  1. Concerns
  2. Complaints
  3. Inquiries
  4. Grade Appeals
  5. Academic Crisis (Probation & Dismissal)
  6. Career Exploration
  7. Conflict resolution
  8. Personal Consultation
  9. Awareness Campaigns
  10. Referrals
  11. Conduct effective individual, and  group counseling
  12. Conduct quality workshops, presentations, and seminars that meet the needs of PMU community.
  13. Conduct quality activities.
  14. Provide consultation services.
  15. Provide appropriate referrals as necessary.
  16. Provide effective crisis response.
  17. Crisis response
  18. Psycho education
  19. Referrals for psychiatric consultation, medical consultation, and/or community resources.
  20. Workshops, seminars, and lectures on topics of interest to client populations are offered for student groups, classes, faculty development, and staff development.
  21. Various awareness activities are coordinated and promoted on an annual basis by the Counseling staff. Examples include but are not limited to: Eating Disorder Screening/Awareness, Depression Screening, Anxiety Screening, Anger Management, etc.
  22. Counseling on issues related to citizenship education or misconduct.
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