General & Daily Services
Individual & Group Counseling related but not limited to the following:
- Concerns
- Complaints
- Inquiries
- Grade Appeals
- Academic Crisis (Probation & Dismissal)
- Career Exploration
- Conflict resolution
- Personal Consultation
- Awareness Campaigns
- Referrals
- Conduct effective individual, and group counseling
- Conduct quality workshops, presentations, and seminars that meet the needs of PMU community.
- Conduct quality activities.
- Provide consultation services.
- Provide appropriate referrals as necessary.
- Provide effective crisis response.
- Crisis response
- Psycho education
- Referrals for psychiatric consultation, medical consultation, and/or community resources.
- Workshops, seminars, and lectures on topics of interest to client populations are offered for student groups, classes, faculty development, and staff development.
- Various awareness activities are coordinated and promoted on an annual basis by the Counseling staff. Examples include but are not limited to: Eating Disorder Screening/Awareness, Depression Screening, Anxiety Screening, Anger Management, etc.
- Counseling on issues related to citizenship education or misconduct.