PMU Blood Donation Campaign
Follow @pmuofficial TweetUnder the supervision of Student Affairs, the Department of Health Care & Counseling, in coordination with King Fahad Specialist Hospital, launched the Blood Donation Campaign last May 20-21, 2015 in the male campus Healthcare Center. A team of 8 members comprised of doctors and nurses came to support this campaign. “Give Blood Give Life” was the theme of this campaign. Donors lined up from 10 am till 2 pm to donate to this noble cause. A total of 61 donors signed up out of which 51 healthy donors were selected. Ten didn’t qualify due to low hemoglobin or because they were on medication and had a fever. The Blood Donation Campaign served as part of the university continuous effort to assist the larger community of the Eastern Province in replenishing the stock levels and help the sick. Dr. Nabil Sharif, during the blood donation, emphasized that we should not think of blood donation as a duty or responsibility, rather, it is a privilege given to us. Blood donation not only saves other people's lives, but being a blood donor gives us 1) an opportunity for our own health checkups, 2) decreases our risk for heart diseases 3) burns calories, 4) reduces cancer risk and 5) provides the satisfaction that we save lives.
The PMU nurse noted that the response to the blood donation campaign was great and encouraging, resulting in no significant problems. Moreover, the Division of Student Affairs along with the Health Care & Counseling Department thanked the effort of King Fahad Specialist Hospital for aiding PMU in this campaign.