2015 PMU Humanities Speech Competition

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On April 8th, 2015 the PMU HWeek team in conjunction with Campus Life held the Humanities Week Speech Contest. 

This year’s contest was a persuasive-impromptu speech dealing with the questions of leadership, ambition and honor.  The participants were asked to review the Shakespearian play Julius Caesar in general with the scene of his funeral in particular.  In this scene Marc Anthony gives a speech talking about how great a leader Caesar was and how ambition is a necessity for a leader as opposed to a detriment. 

The participants, in both morning and evening schedule delivered their own thoughts on leadership, ambition and honor.  Each contested delivered a speech addressing these issues and illustrating where they saw them used in modern times. 

The PMU HWeek team would like to thank all the participants and the attendees, this was again a great example of what could be accomplished at PMU.

Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony on Sunday April 12th, at 12:00noon, in the lecture hall

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