2015 PMU Humanities Week Essay Contest
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2015 PMU Humanities Week Essay Contest
After two rounds of essay writing the PMU HWeek team is proud to announce that over 40 students took the opportunity to voice their opinions on leadership and the key points of the popular philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli’s message about leadership. The contestants’ essays will be reviewed by a panel of composition experts lead by Dr. Tom William and Mr. Gregory Poole. The top three essays will be awarded for their efforts. But the reality is that PMU and the students are the real winners here. Through this contest specifically and Humanities Week generally, we have seen a true demonstration of the understanding of leadership. Leadership and professionalism are two of the key competencies that PMU supports in all of their graduates and the 40 plus contestants that took part in the PMU HWeek exercises are truly professional leaders.
This event is organized in partnership between Campus Life and Core Curricular Program