SCIENCE WEEK, May 5 & 6, 2015

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Under the supervision of Student Affairs, and in collaboration with the Department of Math and Sciences, the Campus Life Department organized PMU’s Annual Science Week.  The Prep atrium was filled with many hands-on science projects, models, experiments and many other interesting and inspiring projects, all displayed by PMU students.

 The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muhammed Al Mulhem, and the Dean of the Core Curriculum Program, Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, visited the exhibition, listened to the students’ explanations and acknowledged their efforts.
At the same time, a documentary series (Cosmo) was played in the lecture hall, managed by Dr. Nidal Abu-Libdeh: Many scientific inventions and laws were animated and explained in a cartoon show.

On the second day, math and fun games were also organized by Instructor Nader Green and his team, including math tricks, puzzles and brain teasers, where students won prizes for their correct answers.

The event was intended to support students’ creativity, stimulate their confidence, and their sense of positive competition, as well as encourage youth passion for science.

The winners of this Annual Science Week will be announced during the awards ceremony which will be held on Tuesday 12th of May, at 12:00noon, in the lecture hall. During this ceremony, a pop quiz inspired by the Cosmo documentary series will be organized as well.

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