Corona Virus محاضرة توعوية عن كرونا
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Under the supervision of the Student Affairs, the Department of Health and Counseling carried out an awareness campaign concerning Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS –Cov ) on both the male and female campuses. The invited guest lecturer, from John Hopkins Hospital, Mr. Salah Bubshait, presented to the students the latest information on the prevention of MERs –CoV through a PowerPoint presentation. He also discussed how to combat the deadly disease that has claimed many of lives.
The Campaign and lecture was launched on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 to raise awareness about the virus and how people should take care in malls, roads and other public places. The aim of this lecture was to help our students, faculty and staff gain a clear understanding about MERS-CoV to protect themselves and their families from the deadly phenomenon. Mr. Salah highlighted the importance of medical recommendations to prevent spreading the virus and to provide the PMU community with information and guidance that can protect them against the virus. A question and answer session followed the presentation.