Run / walk race : Feel the Beat of Summer Heat and Feel Free from cigarette heat!

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Under the supervision of Student Affairs Division, the PMU Running Club, with the collaboration of the Health Care Department and the Safety Department, organized a social run around PMU campus at the end of the Wellness Day.

Defying the heat, and the unexpected rain, more than 35 students ran or walked 3,2 km (Approx. 2 miles), including 4 faculty!! Start shot was given by Dr. Muhammed Al Mulhem.

This was the first social run to be organized at PMU, It was a great end to the Spring Semester and a great relief for students just before their finals.

Many thanks go to the volunteers who distributed water on the route and for the following faculty for their support, their participation and for encouraging their students to participate:

  1. Dr. Jay McKnight (little bigger)
  2. Dr. Nader Nader
  3. Dr. Tony Adel Rizk
  4. Mr. Serigne Omar Lowe Nicolas
  5. Mr. Tomasz Gorzkiewicz

As per the results, Nasser Al Doais arrived first, followed by Zaid Al Arfaj second, Badr Al Ardhi third, Saad Feyrouz fourth, and Instructor Tomasz Gorzkiewicz fifth. An award ceremony will be organized shortly.

The Campus Life Department would also like to thank and acknowledge the efforts of the Department of Health Care in following the runners, and being ready for any first aid need, the Media Club and the PR Department for taking pictures and the Department of Safety and Security for securing the route, and making sure the run was safe.

Hopefully more successful runs will be organized in the future under different social themes.

Pictures were thankfully taken by PR Department and Media Club

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