Equestrian At PMU SUSF Equestrian National Competition 2014-2015
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Equestrian At PMU
SUSF Equestrian National Competition 2014-2015
In our first appearance in Equestrian Competition PMU Student Mr. Sultan Al Zaman place 9th out of 24 Universities that competed in the competition. Equestrian is a competition where a rider takes his horse through a series of obstacles on a course. The rider is judged on his ability to complete the course in “style”. This event was held at Abdulaziz university in Jeddah city and was hosted by the Saudi University Sports Federation. We are proud of Mr. Sultan and his performance .If you have a horse and would like to compete in the future please contact Coach Khaled Kulaib at PMU Sport Center or Campus Life G061.
The following picture were taken at the event.