PMU Rovers Club presentation
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Dear student, a presentation about PMU Rovers Club will be given this coming Sunday (October 23rd) at the lecture hall at 12:00noon
Join us!
Rover clubs are part of the Saudi Boy Scouts Association (SBSA); they often participate in events organized by the association, supported by it, or supporting the association itself.
The boy scouts was created in 1920 by Lord Baden Powell as a non-profit, non-political movement designed to help people in need. The values have been the same ever since and shared by all the scout groups. Late King Abdul Aziz decided to implement it in Saudi Arabia updating the values in order to respect the Islamic culture of SA.
Created recently, PMU’s Rovers Club has participated in two events so far; the two events are: the annual opening ceremony of Dammam University Rovers Club and the rovers’ initiating program. Following is a brief summary about these two events.
This program is certified by the Saudi Boy Scouts Association. It is designed to train Rovers to become leaders, and teaches them about the vision and goals of the association.
The program was split into two parts. The first included lectures about team building and leadership skills, while the second consisted of a two day camping trip including open air activities.
The PMU Rovers learnt a lot from these activities, and will transfer their knowledge and skills to new members.